(1 廣州供電局有限公司,廣東 廣州 510610;2 廣州電力設計院,廣東 廣州 510640)
摘 要:土地資源的稀缺和環保壓力的增加,導致城市中心區電網建設困難,供電能力無法滿足地方社會經濟發展的用電需求。針對制約中心區電網供電能力的因素,側重從提升電廠供應、增加變電容量、改善供電網絡三個環節,探討提升城市中心區電網供電能力的具體措施和解決方案,為城市電網規劃建設提供有益參考。
中圖分類號:TM727.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)05-0001-04
Technology Discussion on Enhancing Power Supply Capacity of Urban Center Power-Grid
SU Yue-ping1, DONG Hong1, ZHU Zhi-fang1, GAO Yan-na2
(1 Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510610, China;
2 Guangzhou Electric Power Design Institute, Guangzhou 510640, China)
Abstract: Since the increasingly scarce land resources and environmental pressure, the power grid construction of urban center has met huge difficulties and the power supply capacity of power grid will not be able to meet the electricity demand of regional social economy development. Aiming at the factors restricting urban center power supply capacity, this paper emphasized on the three links of enhancing power-plant supply, increasing transfer capacity and optimizing power grid, and discussed the concrete measures and solution of enhancing the grid power supply capacity of urban center.
Key words: urban centre power-grid; power supply capacity; combined substation; capacity increasing transformation; power network optimization
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