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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    1 100 kV氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備母線機械性能分析

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-03-10 15:10 瀏覽次數:11

    1 100 kV氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備母線機械性能分析 

    1 沈陽工業大學 電氣工程學院,遼寧 沈陽 110870;
    2 遼寧省電網安全運行與監測重點實驗室,遼寧 沈陽 110870;
    3 國網沈陽市于洪區供電公司,遼寧 沈陽 110141

    摘 要:以1 100 kV氣體絕緣金屬封閉開關設備(GIS)母線為研究對象,采用有限元的方法,針對GIS母線在導體對外殼短路、導體懸臂、運輸顛簸三種情況,對支持絕緣子所承受的應力進行計算。對比母線自振頻率,對GIS母線筒在導體安裝偏心導致的偏心電動力與高速風載荷下的振動進行分析。計算結果表明:在現場安裝過程中,因導體支撐不穩導致導體懸臂時,絕緣子根部產生的應力最大,可達到絕緣子許用應力的80%以上,需要特別注意;若GIS母線發生短路故障,考慮殼體電阻對電流的影響,當短路點與接地點均位于殼體正上方時,絕緣子根部嵌件與環氧樹脂的粘接面產生的應力最大,最大值為27.1 MPa,在最大短路電動力的作用下,能保證支持絕緣子機械性能的最佳嵌件半徑為70 mm;在計算條件下,母線在偏心電動力以及高速風載荷的作用下,發生共振的可能性較小。
    中圖分類號:TM201.4+1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)06-0051-07

    Busbar Mechanical Performance Analysis of 1 100 kV Gas Insulated Metal-Enclosed Switchgear 

    SU An1,2, GENG Zhen-xin1,2, XIAO Wan-qiu3, XU Jian-yuan1,2, LIN Xin1,2 
    1 School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China;
    2 Liaoning Province Key Lab of Power Grid Safe Operation and Monitoring, Shenyang 110870, China;
    3 State Grid Shenyang Yuhong Power Supply Company, Shenyang 110141, China

    Abstract: In the case of 1 100 kV gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar conductor was in short circuit for shell, conductor cantilevered and transportation bumps, the finite element analysis method was adopted to calculate the stress of the support insulator. Comparing with the bus natural frequency of vibration, this paper analyzed the gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar vibration under the eccentric electric power caused by conductor installation eccentricity and the load of high speed wind. The calculation results show that in the process of onsite installation, the maximum of the stress caused by unstable conductor supporting cantilever, appears at the root of insulator, up to 80% of the admissible stress of insulator. If gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar short circuit fault occurs, considering the influence of the shell resistance to current, when the short-circuit point and the ground point are directly above the shell, the greatest stress is produced at root of the insulator and the insert epoxy resin adhesive surface, the maximum is 27.1 MPa. The insert radius which has the best mechanical properties of support insulators is 70 mm. Under the condition of this calculation, the busbar in an eccentric electric power and high-speed wind load effect, the possibility of resonance is smaller.
    Key words: gas insulated metal-enclosed switchgear; supporting insulator; stress; vibration

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