(國網浙江杭州市余杭區供電公司,浙江 杭州 311100)
摘 要:提出了一種可用于變電站空間磁場能量收集的磁電型集能轉換技術,該技術基于Terfenol-D磁致伸縮合金和PZT-5H 壓電陶瓷制備而成的層狀磁電復合材料,可實現空間50 Hz 工頻交變磁場能量到電能的轉換。闡述了能量收集單元基本結構和工作原理,并設計了基于LTC3105 芯片的能量收集管理電路。實驗結果表明,在10、30、60 μT 的50 Hz 有效磁場激勵下,復合材料輸出電壓峰值分別可達0.33、1.26、2.49 V,針對30 μT 的50 Hz 空間交變磁場,該電路可在180 s 內將1 μF 儲能電容充電至4.1 V,這部分電能可瞬間釋放以驅動后端負載工作。
中圖分類號:TM154 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)06-0010-06
Study on Magnetoelectric Energy Conversion Technique Used for Space Magnetic Energy Harvesting in Substation
LI Dong
(State Grid Yuhang Power Supply Company, Hangzhou 3111 00, China)
Abstract: This paper presented a kind of magnetoelectric energy conversion technique used for space magnetic energy harvesting in substation. This technique was based on magnetoelectric (ME) laminate composite consisting of Terfenol-D magnetostrictive alloy and PZT-5H piezoelectric ceramics, which could realize the electric energy conversion from the space power-frequency (50 Hz) alternating magnetic field energy. This paper expounded the basic structure and operating principle of energy harvesting element and designed the energy harvesting power management circuit based on the chip LTC3105. Experimental results indicated that the output voltage was 0.33, 1.26, 2.49 V while the device was excited by 10, 30, 60 μT magnetic field. The 1 μF storage capacitors can be charged to 4.1 V after 180 s charging when the external magnetic induction intensity is 30 μT at a frequency of 50 Hz, which means that this part energy can be released instantly to drive the rear-end load working.
Key words: energy harvesting; magnetoelectric composite material; power management circuit; wireless sensor network
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