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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    220 kV電容式電壓互感器介損試驗不拆一次引線分析

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2017-07-18 12:18 瀏覽次數:7
    220 kV電容式電壓互感器介損試驗不拆一次引線分析
    (國網江西省電力公司檢修分公司,江西 南昌 333000)
        摘 要:對于220 kV 電容式電壓互感器(CVT)上節介損試驗時,需要登高攀爬瓷瓶拆除電容式電壓互感器一次引線,而反接法則無需拆除一次引線。介紹了反接法誤差屏蔽原理及接線實現,通過現場試驗證明新方法行之有效。同時對下節自激法不拆除一次引線誤差進行了試驗分析,分析結果表明自激法試驗不拆除一次引線所引起的誤差可以忽略不計。
        關鍵詞:220 kV 電容式電壓互感器;介損試驗;不拆除一次引線
        中圖分類號:TM451     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2017)07-0059-03
    Non-Removing Primary Leading Wire Analysis of 220 kV Capacitor
    Voltage Transformer Dielectric Loss Test
    DAI Qin-lai, LIU Xiao-bo, XIONG Hua-wei, YANG Fan
    (Jiangxi Electric Power Corporation Maintenance Branch, Nanchang 333000, China)
        Abstract: As testing for 220 kV capacitor voltage transformer upper segment capacitor dielectric loss, it is necessary to ascend a height and climb the china bottle to remove the capacitor voltage transformer (CVT) primary leading wire, on the other hand, the reversed connection needn’t remove the primary leading wire. Introduction was made to the error shielding principle of the reversed connection and connection implement. The field test verified the effectiveness of this new method. At the same time this paper carried out experimental analysis for the error of lower segment self-excited method without removing the primary leading wire. The analysis result shows that the error caused by the self-excited test without removing the primary leading wire can be ignored.
        Key words: 220 kV capacitor voltage transformer; dielectric loss test; non-removing primary leading wire
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