(廣州科技職業技術學院 自動化工程學院,廣東 廣州 510550)
摘 要:電磁繼電器的吸力特性和反力特性的恰當配合是確定電磁繼電器機械和電氣參數值范圍及其穩定性的重要依據。介紹了拍合式繼電器原理、結構及參數,通過對交直流和不同磁勢對吸力特性的影響分析和對反力特性影響特性分析,研究了繼電器在吸合與釋放過程中的吸力特性和反力特性匹配。結果表明,通過對技術參數調整可以對關鍵參數進行控制,進而使得吸力特性和反力特性更好地配合。
中圖分類號:TM581.3 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)08-0047-04
Application of Suction Counter-Force Analysis in Improved Relay Design
SHENG Hua-jun
(College of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Guangzhou Vocational College of Science and Technologe, Guangzhou 510550, China)
Abstract: The mechanical characteristics of the electromagnetic relay includ the suction and the counter force, and the proper matching of the two characteristics is an important basis for determining the range and stability of the mechanical and electrical parameters of the electromagnetic relay. Introduction was made to the principle of clapper type relay, the structure and the parameters. Via analysis of the impacts of ac/dc and different magnetic potential on suction characteristics, this paper researched the matching of suction and counter-force characteristics in the process of relays actuation and releasing. The results show that via technical parameters adjustment, the key parameters could be controlled to make the suction and counter force characteristics matching better.
Key words: electromagnetic relay; suction counter-force; improved design; application
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