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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    110 kV移動式變電站實用技術研究

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2017-09-21 13:21 瀏覽次數:8
    110 kV移動式變電站實用技術研究
    吳亞珍,孫 浩
    (南瑞集團公司 (國網電力科學研究院),江蘇 南京 211106)
        摘 要:為了合理設計和使用移動變電站,闡述了移動變電站的應急搶修模式、短暫替代模式、中長期固定模式等運行模式。介紹了110 kV移動變電站的設計、運行和維護,并通過仿真軟件研究了移動變電站運行對供電網絡的影響。分析結果表明,在重負荷或新增大負荷的情況下采用移動變電站轉移部分負荷能夠降低網絡損耗,維持合理的電壓水平。
        關鍵詞:110 kV移動變電站;高壓開關設備;車載
        中圖分類號:TM633+.2      文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2017)09-0036-05
    Research on Practical Technology of 110 kV Mobile Substation
    WU Ya-zhen, SUN Hao
    (NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute), Nanjing 211106, China)
        Abstract: With the purpose of rational design and usage of mobile substation, this paper expounded several operational modes, such as emergency repair, transience replacement, and medium and long term fixation. Introduction was made to the design of 110 kV mobile substation and its operation and maintenance. The simulation software was used to research the impacts of the mobile substation operation on the supply network. The analysis result shows that under the conditions of heavy load or newly increased heavy load, the method adopting the mobile substation to transfer the partial load could reduce the electric network losses and maintain the rational voltage level.
        Key words: 110 kV mobile substation; high voltage switchgear; vehicle-mounted
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