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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2017-09-21 14:21 瀏覽次數:7
    (1 國網江蘇省電力公司蘇州供電公司,?? 江蘇 蘇州 215004; 2 國網福建省電力公司電力科學研究院,福建 福州 350007)
        摘 要:用離散傅里葉變換分析電力系統諧波和間諧波時,各成分間的頻譜干擾是引發分析誤差的主要原因。提出了一種基于加窗時域平均的諧波間諧波分離分析法。該方法首先對采樣信號進行加窗處理,對加窗后的離散信號進行時域平均,濾波得到擬諧波信號,對擬諧波信號做離散傅里葉變換,得到各次諧波參數。用原始采樣信號減去擬諧波信號,得到差分信號,對其時域序列末尾補零加密其頻域譜線,峰值搜索求得間諧波參數。該方法能夠有效實現諧波和間諧波在時域的分離,抑制其在頻域相互干擾;間諧波間的干擾及正負頻率成分間的干擾同樣可以得到有效的抑制。
        中圖分類號:TM714.3     文獻標識碼:A       文章編號:1007-3175(2017)09-0019-05
    Research on Spectral Interruption Suppression Method for a Kind of Power System Harmonic and Interharmonic
    HUI Jin1, DONG Xiao-feng1, ZHANG Yi2
    (1 State Grid Jiangsu Power Company Suzhou Power Supply Company, Suzhou 215004, China;
    2 State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute, Fuzhou 350007, China)
        Abstract: When the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is used to analyze the power system harmonics and interharmonics, spectral interruptions between different frequency components are the main factor that causes the analysis errors for harmonics and inter-harmonics. This paper proposed a kind of harmonics and inter-harmonics separation analytical approach based on the windowed time domain averaging (TDA). First, each sample point was weighted by the weighing window, then harmonics could be extracted by TDA, and the corresponding parameters could be obtained by DFT. The difference signal was got by subtracting harmonics from the original signal, thus interharmonic parameters could be obtained by zero padding of its time domain sequence to encrypt its frequency domain spectral line and peak searching. This method could effectively separate harmonics and inter-harmonics from the initial signal in the time-domain, strongly restrain the interruptions between haromnics and inter-harmonics, positive and negative frequency components.
        Key words: power quality; harmonic and inter-harmonic analysis; spectral interruption; time-domain averaging; discrete Fourier transform
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